Friday, July 09, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 7

Friday was our last full day at Camp Oljato, and it started out with a BANG! Literally! You see, Dallin Earl told some of the staff to wake him up at around 5:00 in the morning for the Mile Swim, which is when you have to swim across Huntington Lake and back. So they came into our camp banged some pots and pans, and yelled "MILE SWIM! WAKE UP!" Not only did they wake Dallin up, but everyone else!

Brother Jackson left that morning, so Randall and Brother Kukuk were our leaders. And Dallin came back from the Mile Swim, cold, wet, and tired.

The day went on as usual: Flag Ceremony, breakfast in the Dining Hall, our first two classes, and then lunch. You see, throughout the whole week, Jeremy kept on getting the bent spoon at least once a day. It was weird.

Oh yeah, in the Fish and Wildlife class, somebody found mouse and its babies. They were put in a tank in the Nature area.

During Free Time, we made a big flag pole in our camp. We were kind of inspired by the flag pole in the Comanche camp.

It was also our turn to clean the bathrooms. Grant, some Danville 1st Ward kids, and I went and cleaned some of the bathrooms. Also during Free Time, Brother Garff came up to camp for the last day.

Then came dinner. Since it was the last day, some of the staff got to eat up on the table suspended in the Dining Hall.

We also got to eat pizza and hang out with some of our favorite staff members.

We then went to a Closing Campfire, where some troops and scouts were given awards. Connor got an award from one of his classes, and Dallin got an award for the Mile Swim.

And that's all for Day 7!

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