Sunday, July 04, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 2

Late last night, Dallin Bruschke, an 11-year-old scout, and his dad drove up to Camp Oljato from Southern California. The next day, we got up and started making breakfast. Spencer helped make the pancakes.

After making, eating, and cleaning up breakfast, we and the other wards went over to The Chapel for our sacrament meeting.

After the sacrament meeting, we walked back to our camp. Ryan found a patch of snow along the trail. Apparently, it had snowed in Camp Oljato the week before, so there were still a few remnants of the snow around the area.

Once back at our camp, we had a Deacon's Quorum Meeting and then we made sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch, Ryan, Spencer, Tay, and I went up to the empty Hopi camp to try to get some mattresses. But after Ryan brought one down, Brother Spencer realized we were taking them from the Hopi camp, so he made us take the other ones we found back to the Hopi camp. But we did keep the one Ryan brought down.

After that, some of the scout leaders were teaching merit badge classes. Most of our scouts went to the Fishing class. After learning about first aid, hooks, bait, and fishing knots, we got to go fishing. Connor, Tay, Jaren, Seth, Dallin, and I went over to the lake and started fishing. After Seth and some kids from the other wards getting their line stuck in a tree, Dallin accidentally smashing the floater on the rocks, and figuring out how to use the fishing pole, we got the hang of it!

While we were fishing at the lake, Jeremy, Dewlin, Grant, and Kyle went hunting for mud-suckers (a type of fish) in the creek. They did catch one, and they gutted it and wrapped it in tin foil. They also kept the fish tail!

After fishing, we went over by The Chapel and were served hot dogs by the Camp Staff.

After dinner, we went to a Opening campfire. The staff did all these skits for the different merit badge classes you could take for the whole week. After the skits we heard a story about the Boy Scouts that went on and fought in World War II and about the warplane that crashed into Huntington Lake (the lake right by Camp Oljato).

When the Opening campfire was over, we went back to camp and all the wards had a quick devotional, and then we went to bed.

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