Monday, July 05, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 3

The next day was Monday, and Jeff, his brother Josh, and their dad, came up to camp. On Monday, we got to start eating in the Dining Hall for the rest of the week. So we got up, went to the Flag Ceremony, and then we are breakfast in the Dining Hall.

After breakfast, we had to go to our merit badge classes. Dallin Earl, Kyle, Ryan, Andrew Burrill, Dewlin, Brandon, and I went to Emergency Preparedness and Fire Safety.

Dallin Bruschke, Jaren, and Rick went to Environmental Science.

Tay, Connor, Jeremy, and Jeff went to Camping.

Seth and Spencer went to Wood Carving.

Grant went to First Aid.

And Josh Reed went to Swimming.

After those classes, we went to our second classes. Jeremy, Dallin Earl, and Grant went to Environmental Science.

Tay and Connor went to Archery.

Dewlin and Ryan went to Climbing.

Dallin Bruschke and I went to Camping.

Kyle and Brandon went to First Aid.

Jeff and Josh went to Canoeing.

Rick went to Sailing.

Jaren went to Rifle Shooting.

And Spencer and Seth went to Orienteering.

Phew, what a mouthful! Speaking of which, after our second classes, we had lunch in the dining hall.

Since we had plenty of time until our next classes, Jeremy, Dallin, Ryan, Grant, Kyle, and I went hunting for mudsuckers.

Sadly, we didn't catch any.

Then we had to go to our third classes. Dallin, Jaren, Tay, and Jeremy went to Lifesaving.

Ryan, Jeff, Josh, Dewlin, and I went to Fish and Wildlife Management and Soil and Water Conservation. 

Kyle, Seth, Tay, Spencer, and Brandon went to Environmental Science.

Dallin Bruschke went to Archery.

Rick went to Emergency Preparedness and Fire Safety.

And Grant took a Skills Patrol class (I don't think it's a merit badge class).

But anyway, after our third classes came Free Time. Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, Ryan, and I went down to the Trading Post. Some of us got some Choco Tacos. Choco Tacos are waffle shells loaded with ice cream and fudge, and drizzled with chocolate and peanuts.

Then Andrew Burrill and his dad had to go back home. It was sad he couldn't be there for the whole week.

Anyway, we had to rearrange the people in each tent so that we were sleeping in our patrols (We put the 11-year-old scouts and Jeremy, and Connor into the two different patrols as well). Jaren, Ryan, and I were in one tent. Kyle, Grant, and Dewlin, were in another tent. Dallin, Jeremy, and Rick were in one tent. Tay, Brandon, and Connor were in another tent. Dallin, Jeff, and Josh were in one tent. And Seth and Spencer got to sleep down in the Navajo camp.

While getting ready for dinner, Dallin and I found another alligator lizard.

We put it in a can and took it to the Flag Ceremony with us. We gave it to the staff, who went and put it in a glass tank in the nature area. Then we got to go to dinner.

After dinner, we went back to camp and had a 5-minute service project. You see, the trail up to our camp was really hard to see, so we lined it with rocks and logs so that it would be easier to find our camp.

After that, we went to bed in our new tents.

And that's Day 3 at Camp Oljato! Tune in next time for Day 4!

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