Saturday, July 03, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 1

On July 3, Brother Spencer, Rick, Ryan, Dallin, Jeremy, Dewlin, Kyle M., Spencer, Tay, Grant, Jaren, Connor Hyde, and Brandon (who flew out here to go to Scout Camp with us) met at the church at around 8:30. Some 11-year-old scouts joined us too: Seth Garff and Andrew Burrill.

After we met with the other wards, we hauled our packs into our cars and headed out. You see, Camp Oljato doesn't officially start until Sunday evening, but we drove up on Saturday so that we wouldn't have to drive up on Sunday.

Dallin, Rick, Jaren, Jeremy, and I were in Brother Spencer's car. Anyway, we stopped in Madera for lunch. Most of our scouts went to McDonald's. Jeremy, Dallin, Rick, Jaren, Spencer, Seth, and I went to a Little Caesar's across the street. We got some pizza there, and ate with everybody else at McDonald's.

The cashier lady got kind of upset when we were eating the pizzas in McDonald's. Oh well. After eating lunch, we were on the road again. We drove across the Central Valley, through the outskirts of Fresno, and up the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We eventually got to the town Lakeshore, right by Huntington Lake, where we parked by the dock and got our packs and other stuff.

You see, Camp Oljato is on the other side of the lake from Lakeshore, so we had to take a boat across the lake.

After going across Huntington Lake, we docked at Camp Oljato.

We hopped out of the boat and hauled all of our packs and gear off the boat and over to our campsites. Each individual campsites are named after different Native American tribes. The Danville 1st Ward was in the Navajo camp. We were in the Shoshone camp.

The tents in the camps were kind of different than regular tents because each one had a wooden floor platform inside. First things first, we grouped into tents. Rick, Jeremy, Ryan, and I were in one tent. Kyle, Dewlin, Grant, and Dallin were in another tent. Tay, Connor, and Jaren were in a different tent. Brandon was with his dad, Andrew was with his dad, and Seth and Spencer were down in the Navajo camp.

We also found an alligator lizard. Boy was it feisty! It bit Ryan on the finger!

After getting settled in to camp, we went on a short hike along the lake.

Along the trail, we found lots of junk, including an old messed-up bike. The seat was ripped off of it, but that didn't stop Jeremy from riding it.

Well, at least until the tire tube got caught in the spokes.

So he rode on without a tube in the front tire. But anyway, we hiked over to Camp Gold Arrow, a camp that neighbors Camp Oljato (and is supposedly the rich camp). We took a rest stop down by Camp Gold Arrow's docks, er, at least Jeremy didn't. He was busy riding around on his "new bike".

Jeremy kept riding around, but then jumped off the bike right when if fell over into the lake!

After that, it was time to head back to camp. Dallin tried riding the bike back to camp, but we ended up throwing back onto the side of the trail.

Once back at camp, we hung around and started cooking our tin-foil dinners that we made last Wednesday. You know, they weren't that bad!

And that's pretty much the highlights of our first day at Scout Camp. See what happens next on Day 2!

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