Thursday, July 08, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 6

Before we knew it, it was Thursday: the day of the Olympicade. The Olympicade is a series of events where each troop competes against each other, all during Free Time. Luckily, Randall and Brother Kukuk had gotten to camp just in time for it.

The first event was the Regatta, where Jeff and Rick had to sail across Huntington Lake and back. They won 3rd place for us.

Then after a few events, came the 30 vs. 30. Ryan asked Brother Jackson, "What's the 30 vs. 30?"

Brother Jackson answered, "I'm not sure. I think it may be a scavenger hunt, here you have to find 30 things,"

"Okay, I'll do that," said Ryan. Apparently, the 30 vs. 30 was a speech contest, where you had to talk for 30 minutes on any given subject.

After the 30 vs. 30, Ryan comes back to Brother Jackson with his eyes really wide and says, "Brother Jackson? That definitely wasn't a scavenger hunt!"

Then along came the Jenga Craziness, which is what Brandon and I signed up for. What we had to do was take one block at a time from one table and build a tower on another table in a certain amount of time. Whichever troop has the tallest tower wins. Brandon would hand me one block at a time and I would build the tower. We won first place with 20.74 centimeters!

After that was the Dodgeball Tournament. Kyle, Dewlin, Grant, Spencer, and Seth represented our troop. While all the other troops chose to be "shirts" we chose to be "skins".

Not to brag or anything, but Kyle, Dewlin, Grant, and Seth were really good at dodgeball, and Spencer was really good at catching, so we ended up winning 2nd place in dodgeball.

Then came the Hard Walk, which is what Jeremy and Connor signed up for. I don't know what that was, but all I heard from Jeremy afterwards was, "Man, that was hard!"

Then came the Pentathalon. Rick and Jeff had take a Snickers bar wrapped in duct tape and canoe out into Huntington Lake, capsize their canoe, get back in, and canoe back. Then they had to pass the Snickers bar on to Dallin Earl, who had to swim out into the lake, and swim back with the Snickers bar in his mouth. Then he had to pass it on to Dewlin, who had to run around a quarter of the lake, and run back. Then he had to pass it on to Dallin Bruschke, who had to unwrap the Snickers bar, and eat it as fast as he could.

He won 4th place for us.

Before dinner, we went back to camp, and we had to practice the song we were singing for the Troop Skit Campfire (each troop had to make up a skit or sing a song that night). We sang "The Joker" by The Steve Miller Band, and Connor changed some of the words so that it would be more appropriate.

We then ate steak for dinner, and then went over to the Troop Skit Campfire.

When it was our turn to sing, Connor played the guitar and sang the different verses. We got to sing the chorus. All-in-all, we weren't that bad!

And that's pretty much it for Day 6!

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