Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 5

Now Wednesday was a little different. Brother Jackson came up to camp, and Brother Spencer left us in his hands. It was also the day all the staff got a break from serving the meals, and the day where nobody goes to the Flag Ceremony (except for the troop that's putting up the flag). Apparently, we were supposed to put up the flags that morning. Kyle, Grant, Seth, Spencer, Jaren, and Dewlin put up the flags, and I announced each step.

Since the staff wasn't serving the meals that day, we just ate each meal in our camp. We ate our breakfast burritos in camp, and then hung around and played ping pong until our first class started.

For the Camping class, Dallin Bruschke and I got to hike out to a little island in the lake.

Then came lunchtime. We went back to camp and ate sandwiches, chips, and cookies. And apparently, we could get Internet access in our camp, so Brother Wilhelmsen let us watch the World Cup online.

Then Jeremy, Dallin, Kyle, Grant, Ryan, Dewlin, and I went to the creek to hunt for mudsuckers again. We caught three!

When Free Time came along, Ryan and I went to the Trading Post, where Ryan had his first Choco Taco.

We then went to the dodgeball pit to play dodgeball. We played "Mormons vs. Nons", and some kids on the on the "Non" side were smack-talking about us, but we tried to not say anything back, and be a good example. Apparently, it kind of worked! Some of the "Non" kids stop their smack-talkers.

Then dinner came along, and we cooked hamburgers over the fire. They were pretty good!

And that's it for Day 5!

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