Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Camp Oljato 2010: Day 4

Tuesday started out as usual. We got up, went to the Flag Ceremony, ate breakfast, and then we went to our first and second merit badge classes.

After lunch, Ryan and I walked around the whole camp.

Then, during our Fish and Wildlife Management and Soil and Water Conservation class, we got to hike up to an area where we could really get a great view of Huntington Lake.

During Free Time, Kyle and some scouts from the other wards found a big spider.

It took the Nature lady, Michelle, a long time to identify the spider in her big spider books. She told them they should name it after a dead person, so Kyle named it the Michael Jackson Spider.

We were supposed to then feed it to the alligator lizard, but what was weird was that the Michael Jackson Spider would sit right next to the alligator lizard, and neither one would do anything to each other!

We then dropped the spider into the gardener snake tank, and the same thing happened: nothing! Then what really surprised us was that the spider started biting the gardener snake! The snake almost escaped out of the tank, but then we banged on the glass, so that it would fall back down to the bottom.

We then went to the Scoutcraft area and played some dodgeball in the big dodgeball pit.

Then it was dinnertime. Rick and Grant had a competition of who could stick their face in their spaghetti and eat all of it first. It was hard to decide who won.

And that's it for Day 4!

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