Monday, August 10, 2009

Scout Camp: Day 1

Alright, so first off, we all met at the church at about 6:00 in the morning. There was Brother Spencer, Randall Diamond, my dad, Alec Viera, Dallin Earl, Rick Patterson, Jeremy Glenn, Jaren Garff, and me. We all got in our cars and started our drive up to Hoover Wilderness. We then stopped quickly up at Sonora Pass.

Sonora Pass is one of the many parts of the Pacific Crest Trail, a trail that goes from Mexico to Canada.

We then stopped in Bridgeport to get our bear canisters. Bridgeport is a really small town. Heck, we drove down Main Street in 5 seconds!

We ate at a place that sold burgers and Mexican food. Weird. It was good though.

We then drove up to Hoover Wilderness. There was a river near the parking lot, so we filled up our water bottles with a water purifier.

We then started our hike.

Somewhere along the trail, we had rest stop where we ate some trail mix. Dallin and Jeremy made up a song about Benny the Monkey.

Dallin, Jeremy, and I found some sticks that spelt out MIMI.

Jeremy and I got some more sticks and changed the word MIMI.

Anyway, we tried to get to Hidden Lake, but we were going at a slow pace, so we camped at Roosevelt Lake.

Jeremy, Alec, Jaren, Dallin, and I got our swimming tests passed off. We had to freestyle swim a good couple of feet into the (cold) lake, and then swim back. Then we had to float on our backs for a couple seconds.

I felt sorry for Rick. He wasn't feeling too good. Well, then we dried off and had hot dogs for dinner.

So, that was our first day of Scout Camp. Tune in tomorrow for the second day of our adventure!

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