Monday, August 03, 2009

The Big One

A week from today, we are going on a week-long Scout Camp to Hoover Wilderness, which is just north of Yosemite National Park. We have a list of what we need to bring, and we already made survival kits, but we haven't really planned it much. So, we don't know what we're eating, we don't know who's bringing what, and we don't know if we're either hiking every other day to different campsites, or if we're staying in one campsite and hiking around every day or so.

We do have Scout Meetings on Wednesday, so we have one more until the trip, but Alec says we're doing Wilderness Survival, so we're not going to plan for the trip. Also, the other scouts don't want to do Wilderness Survival. They want to go paint balling!

So, we'll see how it goes. 

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