Wednesday, August 05, 2009

In the Kitchen

Okay, never mind about not planning Scout Camp! Today, for Scouts, we prepared the food for the trip in the church's kitchen! It was kind of hard, since Jeremy, Rick, Brother Spencer, Randall, and I prepared food for about 14 people, including ourselves!

So, first, we poured a cup of granola into 28 baggies. Then, we poured 4 tablespoons of powdered milk into all 28 Ziploc baggies (but don't worry, we'll add water to it on the trip. If we didn't, well, ugh!). Rick got kinda tired (and a little delirious). We all started getting a little crazy and started yelling, and I think some other people would pass by and think "What are they doing in there?"

Then, we poured 2/3 cup of potato flakes into 14 Ziploc baggies (we'll add water to that too to make mashed potatoes).

After that, Jeremy, Rick, and I went to the bathroom, while Randall and Brother Spencer poured Gatorade powder into 14 baggies and put a bunch of penny candy into 14 Ziploc baggies.

Then, it came down to the trail mix and fruit. While Brother Spencer and Randall put dried fruit into I don't know how many Ziploc baggies, Jeremy, Rick, and I made the trail mix. We started off pouring regular trail mix into as many Ziploc baggies as we could. Then we poured in small marshmallows. Then came the macadamia nuts. Next was Chex cereal, and then pretzels, and finally, sunflower seeds. Yeah, this part took up almost the whole meeting.

Then we put all the small Ziploc baggies into bigger Ziploc bags. The granola with powdered milk, the potato flakes, and the Gatorade powder went into one Ziploc bag, and the fruit, trail mix, and penny candy in another. Then, we put Nutrigrain bars, toaster pastries, and oatmeal into the bags with granola with powdered milk, potato flakes, and Gatorade powder. Then we packed in 14 bags of beef jerky.

Yeah, so here's a recipe for our trail mix:

Troop 225 Trail Mix

  1. Take two handfuls of store-bought trail mix
  2. Take a handful of macadamia nuts
  3. Take a handful of small marshmallows
  4. Take a handful of Chex cereal
  5. Take a handful of pretzels
  6. Take a handful of sunflower seeds.
  7. Eat it up!

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