Saturday, August 08, 2009

It's coming...

Well, Today, I am packing for the big Scout Camp in, oh, I don't know...


Yeah, I just felt like saying that.

Now I will list who's going on the trip:
  • Alec Viera
  • Travis Neal (me)
  • Jeremy Glenn
  • Dallin Earl (probably)
  • Jaren Garff
  • Rick Patterson
  • Randall Diamond (probably)
  • Brother Jackson (probably)
  • Brother Spencer
  • My dad
Then our other leader, Brother Kukuk will come on Wednesday, I think.

Now this trip is bigger than our camp outs. Those were actually getting us pumped up for this thing! We will be hiking about 7 miles almost every day! That's almost as much as our 8 1/2 mile hike up Mt. Tamalpais! Only this time, we'll be up in the Sierra Nevada mountains, so it definitely won't be 104 degrees up there like how it was on Mt. Tamalpais!

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