Saturday, May 01, 2010

Randall's Wedding

Today was a day we all were looking forward to! Randall has been engaged for quite a while, and today was his wedding!

It all starts here:

Dallin, Rick, and I drove over to El Portal, across town.

We met up with Jaren...

...and we found a very happy Randall.

I helped Jaren hand out parking maps, while Dallin and Rick ushered people into the wedding. More scouts started coming. Jeremy helped me and Jaren hand out maps, while Tay and Dewlin helped Dallin and Rick usher.

We all sat down when the ceremony started.

After some talks, their vows, and the ring ceremony. They got to kiss.

Then, the champagne and cider was served, and they had a toast. Don't worry, we only had cider.

We also feasted on desserts that Katie (Randall's bride) made herself!

And then, we had our picture taken with Randall and Katie.

We are all so happy for them!

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