Friday, April 30, 2010

The Father and Sons Campout 2010

Every year, our church holds a Father and Son Campout to commemorate the Priesthood in our church. This year, it was held in Chabot Regional Park in Oakland. We all camped in Bort Meadow campsite yesterday (April 30).

My dad and I were two of the first people there, along with Brother Spencer. We hauled firewood along a trail up a hill to the big fire pit. My dad started to make a fire in the pit.

While waiting for the other scouts, I hung out with Dallin Bruschke (an 11-year-old scout). We tried making a torch out of a stick and some toilet paper from the port-o-potty, but it didn't work too good.

We also found a cool bridge....

...and some plant that looked like a giant stick of celery.

By then, more scouts had arrived. We got Jaren...


...and Dallin.

Yeah, Dallin got a little sick from all the gummy bears he ate on the way there.

And by the time everybody started their dinners, Jeff had arrived.

And as the day got darker, my dad's bonfire got bigger!

We named this log "Dallin's Log" because Dallin pretty much laid there for most of the campout.

Around 8:00, more scouts had arrived. We got Brandon...



...and Brother Kukuk.

At around 8:20, we had a spiritual moment around the campfire about missionary work and the Priesthood.

After that, we went back to our tents. Except, I had to leave early, but I already know what the other scouts did. In the morning (May 1), they got up, ate breakfast, and played around until they had to leave.

And thats it in a nutshell. Yup!

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