Sunday, May 09, 2010


Brother Jackson: (Pulls out a muffin from a cookie sheet wrapped with tin foil)

Dallin: Augh! What's he doing with muffins?

Travis: Hey, he's got whipped cream too!

Brother Jackson: (Pulls out a can of whipped cream and squirts it on his muffin) Can anyone tell me what I'm doing?

Dewlin: Well, you're eating a muffin in front of us...

Brother Jackson: Yeah, but what's it for?

Travis: Because you like pumpkin spiced muffins?

Jeff: Because it's Mother's Day?

Brother Jackson: Yeah, but what else?

Dallin: It's your birthday?

Brother Jackson: Yeah! How'd you know?

Dallin: Oh, really? I just guessed.

Brandon: I didn't know it was your birthday...

Travis: It's okay Brandon. None of us really did.

Tay: I knew! Because it's my brother's birthday!

Jeff: So, do any of us get muffins?

Brother Jackson: Yes, if you're obedient. Which is what the lesson is all about.

-Today in Deacon's Quorum

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