Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wednesday in the Park

Today, we decided to play games at the park. So, Brother Spencer, Rick, Ryan, Dallin, Jeremy, Kyle M., Dewlin, Jaren, Teddy, Tay, Grant, Jeff, and I met at the church. Once we all got rounded up, we headed over to the park on Greenbrook Drive (because it's the closest park to the church).

We were going to play rugby, but not everybody wanted to play that, so we played football.

Well, not everybody played it. Jeff and Tay played on the play structure.

Kyle W. and Brandon had arrived later, and they joined in the game.

Oh yeah, and some Girl Scouts came along because they were having a party thing near the park. Actually, I couldn't tell if they were Girl Scouts, Brownies...

...or Tree Hugger Scouts? Anyway, they kind of interrupted the game.

But when they left, we played Capture the Flag. That was fun.

And that's pretty much it! :)

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