Monday, May 31, 2010

Big Sur 2010

Every Memorial Day weekend, our ward goes down to Big Sur State Park. This year, Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, Kyle Makaiwi, Jeff, Grant, and I went. We left on May 28 and headed south of Monterey to Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. I met up with Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, and some of our girl friends. We played some game called "Funny Bunny" and a weird guy started playing the game with us. He said he was from Huntington Beach. Then we planned the big game of Assassin the next day.

The next day, Dallin, Jaren, Jeremy, Kyle M., our girl friends, and I met up, got our Nerf guns, and started playing after about an hour, we gave up, so Kyle M. and I went to my campsite. I gave him a box of Hostess Zingers because it's a tradition for me to give him some Zingers every year at Big Sur.

Later that day, Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, our families, our girl friends, and I drove to a trailhead. We hiked down to a rocky point full of cool stuff. There were sea anemones, crabs, sea urchins, and mussels.

Then we hiked down to a small beach, and hung around there.

Some of us started climbing upstream through a stream. I don't know why though.

After hiking back up the trail, we drove back to the campgrounds, and then over to a pavilion area for a barbeque. After the barbeque, Jeremy, Dallin, Jaren, Jeff, some of our girl friends, and I went to the Campground Store and bought 3 packs of Skittles. And then we went to my trailer and played Blackjack and Texas Hold Em with them.

Dallin tried a Weight Loss Shake...

And Jeff had 2 Dr. Peppers. Apparently, he got pretty hyper.

The next day was Sunday, so we had a Testimony Meeting. Then, Dallin, Jeremy, some of our girl friends, and I went to my trailer to play Apples to Apples.

Jaren came along, and he joined in the game. But then Jeremy, Jaren, and Dallin had to drive back home, so Grant, Kyle M., and I went to the General Store and bought soda and candy. Then we headed back, and I had to drive back home.

So this turned out to be a pretty fun camp out!

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