Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Secret Society

Today, Dallin and I decided to form a secret society after school. Shh! Don't say it out loud! Remember, it's secret. That's why the word "secret" is in the word "secret society". Anyway, it started when I said, "Hey, Dallin, you wanna make a secret society?"

Then he said, "Sure!" Then Jaren was wondering what we were talking about, so we told him he could be part of our secret society.

Secret societies are awesome, you know? People just go around thinking, "Oh yeah, that guy is just a normal guy," when really, that guy could be part of the Knight's Templar or the Illuminati or part of the Opus Dei, or some other secret society mentioned in one of Dan Brown's books!

Yeah, we should have a secret meeting. No, we should have a secret secret society meeting. No, we should have a secret secret society meeting of secrecy! We should think of a name for our secret society, and maybe even a secret symbol for our secret society! I already have some ideas for a symbol. Maybe we could have a snake with Ballal's head on it? Anyway, I'll update on our secret society soon. Very soon. Very very soon. Very very very soon.

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