Friday, September 11, 2009

Dallin's Party

Dallin had a birthday party today. Him, Jaren, Jeremy, me, Rick and some of our girl friends (well, they're our friends that are girls) to Dallin's house. Alec, Kyle Makaiwi, and Kyle Worley came later.

We watched the movie Pride and Prejudice. Okay, you're probably thinking "Huh? Isn't that a girly Jane Austen movie?" Well, this movie was the LDS version. 

Whenever something romantic happened, Rick kept saying, "Aw, I love this movie!" (we heard him say it about 16 times)!

There's a bad guy in the movie and he has a weird upper lip. Dallin said the guy had plastic surgery on his lip and he would say, "Ew! Plastic surgery man!" Also, this one lady gets a fake engagement ring, and Dallin shouted, "It's fake! She got it from a cereal box!"

We also had popcorn and root beer floats (um, not together). But it was all pretty fun!

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