Saturday, September 19, 2009

Game Night

Today, we had a video game night at Taylor Jackson's house to welcome Ben Clark into the troop. I was the first one there and I brought Guitar Hero III. Then, Rick came with a big box of Dance Dance Revolution and Rayman Raving Rabbids. Then, he started playing with some toy phone he found.

The next person to come was Teddy, who brought Guitar Hero Metallica with him. Then, we got to finally meet Ben! He seemed like a good kid, and we were glad to have him in the troop. Also, he brought Super Smash Brothers Brawl!

After Ben, came Jeremy, Jaren and Brent Spencer, then five of us started making pizzas. When we rolled out the dough, Rick tried to toss the dough, but it only got about two inches of air.

While we made the pizzas, Jeremy and Teddy battled each other in Guitar Hero.

Some of our pizzas were done, so we ate, and then we played Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Dallin, Alec, and Kyle Worley came, so Dallin got to help make more pizzas.

Anyway, Ben beat us every single time at Super Smash Brothers! It was awesome! Our first battle was when Ben was Mettaknight, Jaren was Samus, I was Pikachu, and Rick was Fox. Rick died first, then I died, then Jaren died, so Ben won.

The next battle was epic at the end! Jeremy was Link and Ben was Olimar. Ben kept punching Jeremy off the edge, but he kept bouncing back on the ledge and backfire at Ben. But just when you thought Ben was long gone, he bounced up and clung on to the edge. Then, he beat Jeremy! It was amazing!

Then there was one round that was really bizarre. The background had a cartoon pig face on an elevator. Every once in a while, the elevator doors would open and there would be some thing strange, like some disco guy and Auguste Rodin's The Thinker sitting down on the floor.

After a while, Alec showed us the slideshow he made for his Citizenship in the Community merit badge. It was great! He told about some of the landmarks in our community, and the famous people who lived here.

After his presentation, we had ice cream sundaes with French Vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm!

Then, Rick, Dallin, and I played Dance Dance Revolution. My final grade was an E.

Then, Ben was picked up by his sister and his cousin, and the rest of us went to play practice, but I still had my Guitar Hero guitar, so after play practice, I walked around to people I knew and pretended to rock out.

Anyway, play practice went well, we learned the song Go Go Joseph and we worked on The Pharaoh's Song and Pharaoh's Dream Explained.


  1. you should have been the stick guy in super smash brothers brawl. Then you could have said, "EAT SOME DELICIOUS BACON!"

  2. allison! bahahaha!!! oh fats! I love you and your shinanigans!

  3. Actually, Allison, I told all the guys about that story! :)
