Saturday, September 12, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Fair

(Click on the flyers to get a full view)

Today was the Emergency Preparedness Fair at Church. There were a lot of people not from church that came. We must've done an awesome job last week putting flyers on people's doors!

Some of us scouts were supposed to do Kitchen Duty I walked over to the Church, and met Rick just as he was leaving, who told me to go into the Kitchen to do Kitchen Duty, but when I went inside the Kitchen in the Church, and there were several old ladies doing everything! So, I just walked around the Fair.

After I found Rick, I couldn't really find anyone else. I found Taylor Aplanalp, one of my friends that's a girl, but then I couldn't find her again. So I wandered around and went inside a fire truck. There was a cool surveillance camera on the top of the truck, and you could watch its monitor inside the truck.

Then I found Ashlyn Brushke, another girl friend of mine. She then showed me where Jeremy, Dallin, and some of our girl friends were. There I found Dallin sucking in the helium out of a green balloon.

We went inside to try to get some more balloons, but they stopped giving them away. I did see Alec making bread though!

Then, we tried to chase Jeremy around. We couldn't find him, but we did find our friend Victoria Rosdahl. Then Alison Spencer gave Dallin her orange balloon, and he sucked in some more helium.

Wr got bored, so tried jumping over a 5 foot pole. Dallin jumped onto the top of one, so he said he was a ninja. I think Victoria was more ninja than Dallin because she could actually jump over the pole!

Then, wen we were exiting the foyer of the Church, I saw a pink balloon in the corner of the ceiling. I snatched it up and sucked in the helium.

Then Dallin and I got tri tip sandwiches. I also saw Brother Spencer eating a tri tip sandwich as well. I went to get some gunk out of my braces, but then I lost Dallin, Jeremy, and Alec for a while. Then after a couple minutes, I saw Jeremy, Alec, and Jenny Farrell in line for The Quake Cottage, a thrill ride where you sit in a trailer-like building and watch a video of a earthquake as the building shakes like an 8.0 earthquake!

Jeremy and I found Dallin eventually, but the fair was over by then, so we had to clean up. Yup. It was pretty fun!

Here's some videos of our helium voices:

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