Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Day We Became Egyptians

The youth in our church are doing a play this year and the play is:

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

Dallin, Jaren, Kyle Makaiwi, Kyle Worley, Jeremy, and I are Egyptians. Alec is the Butler and Rick is the Baker. Then Alex Wright is Potipher.

Today was one of our first play practices. Alec, Dallin, Jeremy, Rick, Kyle Worley, and I came to the practice We had to practice the Pharaoh's Song, where the Pharaoh is explaining his dream to Joseph. Alot of us guys (except for Alec who has to hold a platter) get PVC pipes decorated as spears. Then we get to do a bunch of cool stuff with them. We also got our dance down to the Pharaoh's Song (we pretty much just bob up and down and wave our spears around).

So, yeah, tune in every Wednesday and Saturday to hear how we're doing on the play! If you want a synopsis of what the play is about click here.

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