Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Carpentry Merit Badge

Since its 2010, the 100th Anniversary of Scouting, there are 4 merit badges available this year: Signaling, Tracking, Pathfinding, and Carpentry that they had discontinued 60 years ago. They will only be around this year, and then will be gone again until 2060, for the 150th Anniversary.

We wanted to work on them as much as we can, so today, we worked on Carpentry merit badge. We had 5 stations: Brother Jackson with measuring tools, Brother Hyde with hammers, Brother Spencer with drills, Brother Wurzbach with planes, and Brother Reed with a variety of saws.

We all split into groups. Ryan, Jeff and I were in one. Dallin, Jaren, Jeremy, and Rick in another. Brandon and Tay were together. Dewlin and Kyle W. were their own team. And Grant and Kyle M. were in their own group.

We switched off to different stations and learned about and used the different tools. We did that for and hour, and then, when we were done, we all cleaned up the wood chips, tools, and other stuff laying out.

So, it will be really cool to get all these merit badges, since they will never be available for the next 50 years!

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