Sunday, April 11, 2010

You Guessed It, More Planning

After Church today, we had a meeting with the Deacon's Quorum Presidency (me, Rick, Kyle W., and Ryan) and the Patrol Leaders (Dallin and Jeremy) while Dewlin and Kyle M. were willing to take out the trash.

We first planned the Joint Activity we're in charge of for Mutual on April 21. I came up with the idea of playing mini golf in different parts of the church building. We voted along with the other ideas, and it looks like we may be doing mini golf!

Then we made food assignments for the Scout Jamboree this Friday and Saturday. You see, this jamboree is the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Boy Scouts, so its important we go to that! And this one is for all the scout troops in Northern California.

Then finally, we thought of ideas to sort of welcome Ben Clark into the troop. I thought of taking more day trips, and Brother Spencer talked about Lands End in San Francisco, a small scenic area by the ocean, and about going up to the top of the De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and look at the great view.

So there's two things to look forward to: the Jamboree and our Joint Activity!

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