Thursday, November 05, 2009

Opening Night!

Well, today was opening night for Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat! So first, we had to get our makeup on (yes, even the guys have to wear makeup). In the very beginning of the play, we get to be several different people. Alec is a music conductor, Dallin and Jaren are football players, Jeremy is a businessman, Teddy and I are LDS missionaries, Rick is a policeman, and Kyle Worley and Brandon are school kids.

Now, my mom tried to film the scenes we're in, but she thought the green light meant "record", when really it's the red button, so there was a bunch of videos of my mom's lap and only some subliminal shots of us. Here's the Narrators:

Left to Right: Ariana Viera, Becca Brown, Lauren Peterson,
Lexi Patterson, and Kelsey Makaiwi

And here's a picture during the Egypt Scene:

You can see Rick pretty well. I'm the guy with the his arm in front of this face. Dallin is peeking out of my head. Brandon is the guy in a profile. Alec looks like he's staring at the Sphinx. Teddy is to the left of Lexi Patterson. Jeremy is directly behind Lexi. Kyle Worley is behind Lexi too (you can see his turquoise hat peeking from her neck).

So, I told my mom that the red button means "record", so I think we will have better shots of the play tomorrow!

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