Friday, November 06, 2009

Joseph Cont.

So, my mom got the hang of filming, so we have some good shots of the play. So, to start off, the whole cast had some dinner together.

Oh yeah, and Rick drew a dog named "Maggie the Dog".

Then, we had to get our makeup done, and yes, that wasn't much fun. After our makeup. I wanted to get some funny pictures of Dallin's weird-looking makeup!

Oh, and in case if you were worrying a bit, don't worry, we still love women. Anyway, when I went into the bathroom, I noticed if I face downwards, I look like I'm goth, so I took a picture of it.

Then, I tried to get a picture of Jeremy's makeup.

Attempt #1

Attempt #2

We noticed that Jeremy's name was printed in the program, so I wrote his name in this program.

Okay, so here's some shots for the show. In the beginning, we Egyptians get to be a bunch of different people, as I said on Thursday (you can read more about it on the post from Thursday).

Here's a close-up shot of me and Teddy (we're LDS missionaries).

Grant Ganschow was Joseph.

Then, the next scene we came on was the "Potiphar" scene.

Alex Wright was Potiphar.

After that was the Go Go Go Joseph scene. That was embarrassing because we had to dance around in goofy hats, wigs, and pants.

Then there was intermission. After intermission, we came in for "The song of the King", when the Pharaoh explains his dream to Joseph.

Tommy Brown was Pharaoh. And yes, the Pharaoh is supposed to be based on Elvis Presley.

After the whole Egypt Scene is "Those Canaan Days". None of us Deacons are in it, but some Teachers that were in Deacons with were in it. It's a pretty funny song because it sounds like a Frenchy song.

Also, during this song, the narrators get to eat KFC at a table that supposed to look like a café (I'm so jealous!).

Then finally, the Egyptians come on for the finale.

And that's pretty much it!

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