Friday, October 02, 2009


Today was a Teacher Work Day today, so we didn't have school. So, Dallin, Rick, Jaren, Jeremy, and Alec went to Muir Woods. I didn't go because I slept in, but they were going to Sausalito, a town across the bay from San Francisco, so I met them there. I found them, their moms, and their little siblings on a rocky alcove on the waterfront, searching for crabs.

Those crabs were pretty hard to get. They kept on crawling into the tight cracks!

Dallin caught a couple, and Jaren got a crab's claw!

I didn't catch any crabs. There was a pretty good view of the skyline of San Francisco though. You could really see the Transamerica building (the pointy building in the skyline).

After crab hunting at the Waterfront for a while, we all started to go home. My mom and I were going to go to Point Bonita afterwards, and I invited Rick and Dallin to come along. So we waited a while while my mom went to check the map in the car.

(No, I don't know who the lady in the background is. I think it's kind of funny that she's posing for the camera too). Anyway, Dallin started teasing a pigeon by throwing a piece of his bagel and cream cheese on the ground, and then chased the bird. I think the bird eventually flew away over the bay. I wish we could fly. Then again, it would have made it easier for the prisoners escape from Alcatraz. Oh well.

Then Jaren asked his mom if he could come along too, and his mom said yes, so he got to come too! And Jeremy's mom decided to bring her little kids, Jeremy, and Alec with her, so they followed our car in their car. On the way there, we saw a pumpkin patch called "Uncle Kevin's Pumpkin Patch". There was a giant inflatable space shuttle slide (Jaren kind of wanted to get out and go on the slide, but instead, we just looked at the different wooden characters that was set up). There was a Mickey Mouse, Spongebob, Star Wars characters, the Simpsons, and many others. It was funny, when we first saw the pumpkin patch, we heard Rick yell "Look! It's MICKEY MOUSE!" (Rick really likes Mickey Mouse).

Then, my mom took a wrong turn. We tried to go back, but it was already 3:00, and we had to help build a part of the stage for the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat play at 6:00. So we really had not much time to get to Point Bonita, so we headed back. It was probably a good idea because Jeremy's mom had her little kids with her, and there are lots of cliffs at Point Bonita, so yeah, it's not the safest place for little kids.

On the way back, we saw the Togo's in Larkspur we ate at on our camp out to Mt. Tam. As we crossed the Richmond Bridge, (the bridge that connects Marin County to Contra Costa County), we could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.

Yeah, I was actually wrong. You could crash a boat into a leg of the Golden Gate Bridge (if you don't know what I'm talking about, read the post about Advance Camp). Anyway, while we rode across the Richmond Bridge, Dallin told us his "Life Story". Dallin used the car pillow as a microphone.

On the way home, we went through the Caldacott Tunnels. We tried to hold our breath, but we failed. Badly.

To make up for not going to Point Bonita, we stopped at a Coldstone in Lafayette to get ice cream. Dallin got some Jell-o Banana Pudding ice cream. He said it was so good. I thought it sounded weird. I got Ghirardelli Chocolate ice cream (which is funny because Ghirardelli chocolate is made in San Francisco)!

Oh, and you know those machines that you put quarters in and some toy come out? Well we were looking at the toys they had on display. There was a bunch of those Winnie the Pooh's that are in those little outfit things, and there were some funny looking one's like Pony Pooh and Seal Pooh, and even some squirrel that looked like it was eating Pooh!

There was one Pokémon that was really big and had its tongue sticking out. We called it "Lickey Lickey".

And then there was the Incredible Constipated Hulk...

After our wonderful ice cream, we made up a story about a kid named Jimmy Stratford and how he was a Pokémon Trainer for Halloween, and how he got beat up by a bully named Ballal (yes, we named one of the characters after Ballal). Dallin used the car pillow as a microphone again.

Well, turns out the story was so funny, that we're going to make a movie out of the story! We're going to start filming after play practice tomorrow. Tune in to see what happens!

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