Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jimmy Stratford

Well, I told you I would tell you about the movie Dallin, Rick, Jaren, and I are making, so here it goes:

So, it starts out with Jimmy Stratford (Dallin), and he's short kid who wonders what he should be for Halloween.

He then decides to be a Pokémon Trainer.

So, he goes to school and tries to capture Ballal, the bully, (Rick) with his Pokéball.

But then he gets beat up.

Then, Jimmy goes to a psychiatrist (Me) for some help.

Jimmy forgets about the psychiatrist's advice and finds a clubhouse with his friend, Bob, (Jaren).

But Ballal comes along. Bob escapes by using the zip line, but Jimmy couldn't make it in time, so Ballal comes and beats him up. Then he locks him in the shed.

Then, Jimmy goes back to the psychiatrist, and the psychiatrist tells him to do what he can to get rid of Ballal.

And that's it. Jaren's going to try to put the movie on Youtube. When he gets that done, I can put the movie on this blog!

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