Friday, October 16, 2009

Brandon's Party

Today was Brandon's birthday party. It was a lot of fun! When I got there, Rick, Rick's brother named Spencer, Alec, and Jaren were there. Then, Dallin, Teddy, and some of Brandon's other friends came.

First off, we played Flag Football. That was fun! Brandon did an awesome throw! After playing Flag Football, we downed a bunch of pizza and cherry soda. We also played Telephone around the table. Whenever Jaren would start the round, Rick would change it completely on purpose when it came to him!

Then we started to play some basketball. I started pulling Brandon's little brother, Josh, around the pathway in the backyard in a wagon. Then some of Brandon's other friends joined in, then Rick, then Jaren, then Spencer, and finally, everybody was pulling each other in the wagon! But then Dallin had to leave. Sad.

Then the evolution of the wagon game we made up became more complex. Spencer and I made obstacles on the paths. We would throw Nerf footballs, or hold a rope in front of them. Then , we made our game into a haunted house! Two people would push and pull the wagon, and one person would ride in the wagon. First, they had to go in between the wall of the house and some thick and bushy trees where some of us would jump out and scare them, or even startle them by jerking something out in front of them, like this one crate we found. I think I even made Teddy jump once or twice.

Then they had to go past the patio, but there's nothing scary about that. Then, they had to go past some bushes and a palm tree. We would jump out of the bushes and scare them. Since the palm tree is right next to the path, they would accidentally ram into the palm tree!

Then, they had to dodge the flying Nerf footballs and pedestrian cones (we missed them a lot). Then, they had to go back to the starting line (the basket ball hoop). Just when it was getting good, we went and had banana splits!

Then, we played Ghosts in the Graveyard. Here's how to play: so, a couple of people are ghosts. They have to find the human people, and if they are tagged, they become ghosts. You tried to get everybody to become ghosts, and that's basically it!

We played it for about 3 rounds, and then, Jaren's dad took me, Jaren, Rick, Spencer, and Teddy home. So, all in all, it was a pretty fun party!

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