Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Two Patrols

So, our troop is divided into two patrols now. Like before, Alec is our Senior Patrol Leader (head of the whole troop), and Rick is the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (he's kind of like the vice-president).

Here's the list of our two patrols and everybody's jobs (APL= Assistant Patrol Leader):

Patrol 1:

Dallin: Patrol Leader
Head of Patrol 1

Teddy: APL
Helps Dallin lead the patrol

Jaren: Grubmaster
Head of preparing
food for campouts

Jeff: Scribe
Takes notes during
Scout Meetings

Alec: Senior Patrol Leader
Head of the whole troop

Rick: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Helps Alec lead the whole troop

Tay Hyde: Quartermaster
Head of sleeping bags,
tents, and shelters

Patrol 2:

Jeremy: Patrol Leader
Head of Patrol 2

Travis: APL/Historian
Helps Jeremy lead the
patrol and keeps track
of our trips and events

Brandon: Chaplain Aide
Calls on someone to give
the prayer

Kyle W.: Quartermaster
Checks on the tents,
sleeping bags, etc.

Dewlin: Scribe
Takes notes during the
Scout Meetings

Ryan: Librarian
Takes care of the
merit badge pamphlets

Kyle M.: Grubmaster
Head of preparing food
for the campouts.

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