Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The 2010 Planning Meeting

Today, we had a planning meeting at the church to plan all of the upcoming events in 2010!

We started off planning goals for the year (certain activities, parties, etc.). Boy, did we think of a lot!

We then took a break and played a game called "Buzz" in the Gym. It's kind of like the game, Covety, that we played in Sunol. The only difference is that you have to keep saying "Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" instead of saying "Covety" over and over.

The rules of the game is that you have two teams in a square divided by two. Each time, one person from one team runs into the other teams' boundary and tries to tag someone and run back while saying "Bzzzz" the whole time. If the other team tackles the person before he gets to the other side, he's out. Whatever team loses all their players, loses the game.

After some good rounds of Buzz, we started planning some more. We planned some of the locations we could have camp outs in.

We know for sure we'll go to Camp Oljato this summer (a camp near the Sierra Nevadas). I thought of Angel Island. Ryan thought of Yosemite. Kyle Makaiwi thought of going to Point Bonita again. Brother Spencer thought of renting a cabin near Stinson Beach. Ryan thought of camping near an army base in Nevada. Ryan and Kyle Worley debated a little bit and literally laid out on top of the table with the map!

The next thing to plan was the different merit badges to work on. We though of a bunch, including: Cooking, Music, Reading, and several other badges.

Then, we took another break and played a game called "Steal the Bacon" in the Gym (click here to learn how to play). Only, we used a chalkboard eraser, not bacon. After playing Steal the Bacon, we went into the kitchen and had an ice cream sundae bar.

We all brought different toppings, and boy were they good!

We then hung around a while, and then went home.

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