Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Bike Ride Adventure

Today, Dallin had an idea to invite Jeff Reed, the new scout that moved here from Mesa, Arizona, on a bike ride. He invited us all to come along too. We all first met at Dallin's house. I came, then Jaren, then Jeremy, Alec, and Rick. Then Dallin went to pick up Jeff.

Jaren had to go to Santa Rosa in a little while, so he told us to go without him. So, sadly, we did. We rode onto the Iron Horse Trail straight into Downtown Danville.

We first ate at Panda Express for lunch.

You can't go wrong with Panda Express!

Rick kept stealing everyone's fortune cookies. Oh well.

After stuffing ourselves with Panda Express, we biked farther down the Iron Horse Trail until we got to the Museum of the San Ramon Valley. From there, we biked on down to At the Candy Shop on Hartz Ave. Apparently, next to At the Candy Shop is the Clock Tower.

We got a bunch of jelly beans and stuff. I found these gummy penguins called "Peachy Penguins". They looked like they would taste like black licorice, but no. Out of all the flavors in the world, it tastes like a peach!

We also got chocolate sodas and root beer.

I dropped a penguin in my bottle of root beer to see if I could drink it out. I eventually did. And I spilled a little bit of root beer too.

Since Rick has a New Year's resolution to never eat candy the whole year, he went to Baskin Robbins (just on the other side of the Clock Tower) to get some ice cream. Jeff got some ice cream as well, and we came too.

Then we heard the ambulance come. Apparently, a lady got some glass stuck in her eye in At the Candy Shop. We walked past to see if we could see anything. We did see the lady and some of the blood.

We rode back to Dallin's house afterwards.

We hung out there for a while. Jeff had to go home, and Dallin had to do his homework and then go to a basketball game. So, Alec, Jeremy, Rick, and I biked to Alec's house, and then we came to my house to watch The Dark Knight. And that's basically, our biking adventure!

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