Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stake Conference, October 2010

Today was Stake Conference. It was a pretty good meeting! All the Alamo, San Ramon, and Danville stakes came together to the Inter-Stake Center in Oakland, near the Oakland Temple. Elder Malm, of the Quorum of the Seventy, spoke in the meeting. Oh yeah, and Jeff Reed sang in the Stake Choir as well. He was the only Deacon or Teacher from the Danville 2nd Ward in the choir!

Usually after Stake Conference, everybody has a tailgate lunch in the parking lot. But since it was so foggy  and rainy. Everybody wanted to go home or stay inside.

It was so foggy, you could barely see the Temple!

Jaren, Dallin, and I walked around the grounds a bit. We also talked to Rick and his family.

Then, Dallin, his family, and I went to the Visitor's Center and saw the "Reflections of Christ" exhibit. It was pretty cool! Here are some of our favorite pieces:

And that's all.

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