Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Ready for Scout Camp

Today, we got all ready for Scout Camp at Camp Oljato next week. The scouts who came were me, Rick, Ryan, Dallin, Jaren, Kyle M. Tay, Tay's brother Conner, and several 11-year-old scouts: Spencer Patterson, Seth Garff, and Andrew Burrill. And Brother Spencer was our leader.

We firstput our backpacks in the Primary room and went into the kitchen in the Church, and started making tin foil dinners. Brother Spencer packed the hamburger into patties, Spencer chopped the carrots, Dallin mixed the green beans into a bowl, Jaren poured the potatoes into a bowl and mixed in some oil in too, and Dallin and I chopped the onions (we didn't cry, but it did really hurt smelling them).

We then had a procedure for making the tin foil dinners. We'd first pour oil on a piece of tin foil. The oil is important because it will get heated up and will cook the food. Then Brother Spencer would give us each a patty of hamburger. Then came the green beans and the onions, and then the carrots and potatoes. Tay had brought garlic powder and A1 sauce, so we used those too. The only problem was that the A1 sauce got taken in the first few minutes, so we then had to stick to the barbeque sauce Brother Spencer made. After making our own, we made some for the scouts who didn't come to our scout meeting, like Brandon, his dad, Dewlin, and Jeremy.

Jaren and some of the 11-year-old scouts found some slugs outside, and wanted to pour salt on them, but they lost the slugs, so they really couldn't. Then we had to clean up the kitchen. Kyle cleaned the knives. Dallin and I cleaned up the onions. Brother Spencer, and some of the 11-year-old scouts cleaned up the hamburger and vegetables. Jaren and Dallin sweeped the floor, and Seth and I wiped down the floor.

We then all went in the Primary room and had a Pack Check to see if we have everything we need in our backpacks. After our pack check, we went home. So, today we got a lot done to get ready for Scout Camp!

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