Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Painting the Fence

Today, we finished a service project from way back last year (yeah, it sounds pathetic)! You see, we painted a section Sister Holland (a senior citizen in our ward)'s fence in her backyard. Now we came back to paint the rest of the fence.

Brother Spencer, Rick, Kyle Worley, Ryan, Dewlin, Brandon, Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, Tay, and I met at her house with tarps, brushes, paint scrapers, and stuff.

Right behind the backyard was a big meadow on a hill.

The only problem was, we couldn't find the paint! Jaren and I searched the garage for the paint can (it was pretty much an I Spy book on steroids)!

Jaren eventually found the can tucked away in some shelf. Then, at last, we started painting. But it started getting dark, so that was kind of tricky. And Brother Spencer had made some lemonade, but it got kind of chilly for that!

And a turkey flew into a tree and kept gobbling at us!

We also had to get the "behind the bushes" area.

After painting the whole fence and near the gate, we all cleaned up and went home. Fun, huh?

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