Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Triple Scout Meeting

Well, we just had an eventful Scout Meeting! We started with a Court of Honor. Most of us got the merit badges we earned at Scout Camp, like Citizenship in the Nation, Wilderness Survival, and First Aid. Some of us also got the merit badges from Advance Camp, like Rick, who got his Music merit badge and Jeremy and Alec, who got their Chemistry merit badge.

There was some rank advancements too. Dallin and I advanced to Star Scout, and Alec advanced to Life Scout! Then, I showed the slideshow of Scout Camp.

After the Court of Honor, Brother Ganschow told us what to pack for our next camp out. We get to go snow camping up in Donner Pass. Instead of sleeping in tents or under the stars, we get to sleep in snow caves!

Then finally, we practiced our skit for the show thing for the Ward Christmas Breakfast at Church. All the youth put on skits and we deacons are playing the chimes. Last year we played Silent Night. This year we'll be playing Deck the Halls.

So, there's some things to tune in for later in December!

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