Sunday, July 19, 2009

Muir Woods and Point Bonita

Left to Right, Top Row: Randall Diamond, Chris Glenn, Brother Spencer, Brother Jackson
Middle Row: Travis Neal (me), Teddy Wright, Jeremy Glenn
Bottom Row: Alex Wright, Kyle Worley, Kyle Makaiwi

On February 21, 2009, our troop took a day trip. The scouts that went were me, Jeremy Glenn, Chris Glenn, Kyle Worley, and Kyle Makaiwi, and Alex Wright. Alex is in a wheelchair, so he usually doesn't go on scout trips, but it was good to have him on this one! Teddy, his brother came to help Alex.

Anyway, our leaders were Randall Diamond, Brother Spencer, Brother Jackson, and my dad came as well (he took all of the pictures on this trip).

Our first stop was Muir Woods.

The trees there are really really old! We saw the inside of a tree and all the lines inside. A thick line means a year of good growth. A thin line means a year of little growth. Plaques labeled the different lines from different events in history.

Yeah, and we saw lots of ladybugs!

We also found a banana slug. Some of us kissed it for good luck. I did, but then Teddy shoved it to my mouth!

We then decided to go on a small hike through the woods.

After our hike, we wanted to ride in the back of the truck, but we found out it was illegal here in California.

Next, we went to Muir Beach. We ate Cup Noodles for lunch on some picnic tables. And some people gave us free chicken, tri-tip, and ribs. We wanted to give something back, but all we had left were some clementines, so they said, "No thanks!" Oh, and Kyle Makaiwi found a live lizard in the creek!

The beach was nice. There was a good outlook up on a hill.

Then we went to Point Bonita. On the way there, Kyle Worley, Kyle Makaiwi, and I rode in Brent Spencer's car. Whenever we passed a biker, Kyle Worley would roll down the window and yell, "I like your bike!" to them. Well, we saw one guy standing with his back to the road. Kyle asked if he was okay. Well, it turns out the guy was taking a whizz.

After a short drive we got to Point Bonita. Point Bonita is in Marin County, above San Francisco. There are many army barracks there with great views of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Kyle, Kyle and I found an open rusty door that led to some dark caverns underneath the barracks. We didn't go to far inside because it was all flooded. Jeremy, Kyle, Kyle, and I ran around pretending to shoot down Russian invaders. We found a hidden barrack that had a small trail leading up to it. There were narrow stairs on the outside of the barrack leading up to the second floor of the barrack. The staircase had no rails on it and the steps were really narrow. The second floor had lots of dirty words graffitied on the walls, so we tried to cover them up.

The trail ran alongside some cliffs. I'm glad we didn't lose any scouts!

We walked down the road to the Point Bonita lighthouse.

The road went right through a tunnel in a humongous boulder. There was some random wagon thing there so Kyle and Kyle made me pull them through the tunnel in the wagon.

Then we got to the lighthouse. There's a rickety bridge that leads to the lighthouse. Only Randall, my dad, Kyle Makaiwi, and I went across the bridge because Kyle's never been to the lighthouse and I like going to it anyway. The ranger guy conducting the bridge gave strict rules (and told us about Point Bonita cabbage). A yellow fighter plane flew right next to the bridge. Everyone thought it was cool, except forthe ranger guy. What I thought was funny was the leader of the park service, but his jacket had a "Volunteer" patch.

We couldn't go inside because they discovered toxic lead paint inside. So we wasted about 20 minutes.

Then Kyle, Kyle, and I rode in Randall's car and listened to some sweet songs.

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