Monday, May 31, 2010

Big Sur 2010

Every Memorial Day weekend, our ward goes down to Big Sur State Park. This year, Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, Kyle Makaiwi, Jeff, Grant, and I went. We left on May 28 and headed south of Monterey to Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. I met up with Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, and some of our girl friends. We played some game called "Funny Bunny" and a weird guy started playing the game with us. He said he was from Huntington Beach. Then we planned the big game of Assassin the next day.

The next day, Dallin, Jaren, Jeremy, Kyle M., our girl friends, and I met up, got our Nerf guns, and started playing after about an hour, we gave up, so Kyle M. and I went to my campsite. I gave him a box of Hostess Zingers because it's a tradition for me to give him some Zingers every year at Big Sur.

Later that day, Dallin, Jeremy, Jaren, our families, our girl friends, and I drove to a trailhead. We hiked down to a rocky point full of cool stuff. There were sea anemones, crabs, sea urchins, and mussels.

Then we hiked down to a small beach, and hung around there.

Some of us started climbing upstream through a stream. I don't know why though.

After hiking back up the trail, we drove back to the campgrounds, and then over to a pavilion area for a barbeque. After the barbeque, Jeremy, Dallin, Jaren, Jeff, some of our girl friends, and I went to the Campground Store and bought 3 packs of Skittles. And then we went to my trailer and played Blackjack and Texas Hold Em with them.

Dallin tried a Weight Loss Shake...

And Jeff had 2 Dr. Peppers. Apparently, he got pretty hyper.

The next day was Sunday, so we had a Testimony Meeting. Then, Dallin, Jeremy, some of our girl friends, and I went to my trailer to play Apples to Apples.

Jaren came along, and he joined in the game. But then Jeremy, Jaren, and Dallin had to drive back home, so Grant, Kyle M., and I went to the General Store and bought soda and candy. Then we headed back, and I had to drive back home.

So this turned out to be a pretty fun camp out!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another One's Gone

Today, Jeremy turned 14, so he is now a Teacher, and out of our quorum! We'll all miss him.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Service = Greatness

Just the other day, some of us were part of a Church Service Project. We helped paint and helped renovate Forest Home Farms in San Ramon. After all the hard work, some people were selected to be in an article. One of those people was Dallin! Here's a link to the article.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Baptisms for the Dead

Today, the youth in the ward all went to The Oakland Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead. Me, Rick, Ryan, Jeremy, Dallin, Dewlin, Jeff, Tay, and the other youth met at the church, where we ate turkey sandwiches, chips, and brownies for dinner.

After eating and saying a prayer, we got into all our cars, and drove up to the Temple. Dewlin, Ryan, and I rode in Brother Ganschow's truck.

We got to The Oakland Temple at around 7:00 PM. We sat quietly in the Waiting Room, until we got the list of names of the people we were being baptized and confirmed for.

Most of our guys were from the late 1800's. Except Jeff was confirmed for a guy born in 1709. Other than that, we had some from the 1870's, some from the 1880's, and a whole bunch from 1899. Dallin and I had several guys from Mexico, 1899. Jeff and Tay had several guys from Livingston, Illinois, 1899. Jeremy and I had a couple guys from Argentina. Some of us had some guys from Massachusetts. I had a guy from Ohio. Ryan had a guy from England. Both Tay and Dallin had a few guys that were Christened on May 12, 1899, and May 12 is today. So these guys got baptized the same date they got Christened!

We finished the baptisms around 8:50. It felt good coming outside with the Temple and the San Francisco skyline lit up.

Anyway, we got back to Danville around 9:20. So, all-in-all, the baptisms were pretty successful. :)

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Brother Jackson: (Pulls out a muffin from a cookie sheet wrapped with tin foil)

Dallin: Augh! What's he doing with muffins?

Travis: Hey, he's got whipped cream too!

Brother Jackson: (Pulls out a can of whipped cream and squirts it on his muffin) Can anyone tell me what I'm doing?

Dewlin: Well, you're eating a muffin in front of us...

Brother Jackson: Yeah, but what's it for?

Travis: Because you like pumpkin spiced muffins?

Jeff: Because it's Mother's Day?

Brother Jackson: Yeah, but what else?

Dallin: It's your birthday?

Brother Jackson: Yeah! How'd you know?

Dallin: Oh, really? I just guessed.

Brandon: I didn't know it was your birthday...

Travis: It's okay Brandon. None of us really did.

Tay: I knew! Because it's my brother's birthday!

Jeff: So, do any of us get muffins?

Brother Jackson: Yes, if you're obedient. Which is what the lesson is all about.

-Today in Deacon's Quorum

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wednesday in the Park

Today, we decided to play games at the park. So, Brother Spencer, Rick, Ryan, Dallin, Jeremy, Kyle M., Dewlin, Jaren, Teddy, Tay, Grant, Jeff, and I met at the church. Once we all got rounded up, we headed over to the park on Greenbrook Drive (because it's the closest park to the church).

We were going to play rugby, but not everybody wanted to play that, so we played football.

Well, not everybody played it. Jeff and Tay played on the play structure.

Kyle W. and Brandon had arrived later, and they joined in the game.

Oh yeah, and some Girl Scouts came along because they were having a party thing near the park. Actually, I couldn't tell if they were Girl Scouts, Brownies...

...or Tree Hugger Scouts? Anyway, they kind of interrupted the game.

But when they left, we played Capture the Flag. That was fun.

And that's pretty much it! :)

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Randall's Wedding

Today was a day we all were looking forward to! Randall has been engaged for quite a while, and today was his wedding!

It all starts here:

Dallin, Rick, and I drove over to El Portal, across town.

We met up with Jaren...

...and we found a very happy Randall.

I helped Jaren hand out parking maps, while Dallin and Rick ushered people into the wedding. More scouts started coming. Jeremy helped me and Jaren hand out maps, while Tay and Dewlin helped Dallin and Rick usher.

We all sat down when the ceremony started.

After some talks, their vows, and the ring ceremony. They got to kiss.

Then, the champagne and cider was served, and they had a toast. Don't worry, we only had cider.

We also feasted on desserts that Katie (Randall's bride) made herself!

And then, we had our picture taken with Randall and Katie.

We are all so happy for them!