So, Alec, Jeremy, Dallin, Rick, Teddy, and I came to Jaren's sleep over birthday party. We ate pizza and cake, and then Jaren opened his presents. Dallin made him a teenager survival kit with a bunch of fun stuff in it. Jaren also got a lot of gift cards for iTunes and At the Candy Shop. Then, we played games on my Wii that I brought.
Then, Brandon came over after singing in the San Francisco Boys Chorus. He gave Jaren a farting machine with a remote control. We pulled pranks with it by putting right by someone, and then at the perfect time, we'd press the button, and away it went!
After playing some games, Cole Becker, one of our friends, came over. Dallin invented a new drink. He poured about 10 Pixie Stix in water, and drank it. I tried it, but I only put in 3, so mine tasted like watery sugar. Eew. Purple water.
We started to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but some of us couldn't stay for the sleep over. So some of us left. First Rick, then Brandon, then Jeremy, then Alec. Then, it was just down to Jaren, Dallin, Teddy, Cole, and me.
We finished the movie, and then we stayed up until 3:30 AM watching Lord of the Rings on Dallin's iPod. We dubbed over the movie and said some funny stuff. We also found a part in the movie (The Return of the King) where Aragorn says "I do not believe it!" but he sounds like he's Mexican, and then he returns to his English accent. And then this one Orc made a weird noise that sounded like, "URRRGHRRGH!"
Then, at last, we went to sleep.